Join to be involved in finding solutions to homelessness on Hawaii Island. Anyone can join CAP! In order to be a high-functioning CoC, we need leaders from all community sectors at the table. Brainstorming, planning, problem solving and collaboration are accomplished through CAP with the end goal being the elimination of homelessness on our island. Meetings and committee work include sharing of information, strategic planning for homelessness work island-wide, event planning and training events for the community.
CAP is currently made up of over 40 organizations and allies using a Housing First – low barrier system to house and provide follow-up services island-wide to our house-less neighbors. In 2017, CAP implemented a Coordinated Entry System (CES) to insure that those who need housing the most receive the first available units. Hawaii County’s Sharon Hirota is the convener for the CES case management meetings. We welcome your participation and membership.
CAP meets via zoom on the last Wednesday of every month from 9:00 -10:30 a.m.
Contact Toni Symons at 319-2367 or to attend.